Conscious IV Sedation Dentistry

Conscious IV Sedation Dentistry

So, you’re in trouble. The pain is unbearable, and you really need to go to the dentist. But for some people, possibly you, the thought of a visit to the dentist can be terrifying. Whether it’s because of a painful, previous experience or an anxiety the patient may...

The Benefits of IV Sedation Dentistry

Many people wonder about what conscious IV sedation dentistry is and the benefits of choosing such an avenue for their own dental care. IV stands for “intravenous” or through the veins. Conscious IV sedation dentistry is the practice of sedating patients through an...

Do you have Dental Anxiety or Fear?

It’s been said over and over that regular visits to the dentist help you keep your smile healthy and prevent bigger problems down the road, but if you have dental anxiety or suffer from a dental phobia, that may be the worst thing you can think of. When you have...